
Back from an amazing trip to bathe in the Holy Ganga, Haridwar.  We will definitely organise one for you all again in 12 years! We visited Delhi, Haridwar and made a surprise visit to Rishikesh, that brought with it a few welcoming surprise.  Swami Manomurti will post some of his reflections of the trip soon!

As you know we are setting off to dip in the holy Ganga on these last days of the Kumbh Mela.

please note that there will be NO classes from the 8th – 12th April.. please reschedule your classes with your teachers  and practice while we are away!

Hari Om tat sat

The Maha Kumbh Mela takes place every 12 years and will be held in Haridwar this year.  Saints, sadhus, priests and Yogi’s from all corners of India gather to participate in the Kumbh.  Haridwar is considered very holy, due to the fact that the Ganga leaves the foothills and enters the plains from here.

The 14th of April 2010 is the very last day to participate in the marvelous Maha Kumbh Mela for the next 12 years!

The Group will be led by Swami Manomurti Saraswati, a yoga master.  At the age of only 31, he brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding of this event having lived 14 years in his Guru ashram

Come along and experience this exhilarating journey to the divine.

DELHI – HARIDWAR – DELHI   Rs7000 twin share

8th April depart

New Delhi via A/C coach to Haridwar          10pm

9th April arrive            DAY 1-Haridwar,        9am

Morning & evening visit to the Kumbh Mela

Meditation, Orientation & Evening Satsang (discussion)

Visit to Mansa Devi Temple by cable car

Evening Aarti by the Ganga

10th April                     DAY 2 – Haridwar,

Ekadashi is considered to be an auspicious day on which you may want to fast

We have chosen this date for bathing in the Ganga.

Morning Yoga class & chanting

Bathe in Ganga with Pooja (prayer & offerings)

Free time for wandering around the mela, or shopping for malas!!

Evening chanting of healing mantras with havan ( fire ceremony)

Depart  Haridwar via A/C coach to Delhi      9pm

11th April                     Arrive Delhi                                                    9am

Fares include A/C coach Delhi – Haridwar return, Accomodation twin share (basic A/C room neat & clean), breakfast, lunch, dinner and chai (veg), Mansa Devi temple, Pooja, Aarti, Havan and Guides.

Please confirm with 50% non-refundable deposit by 27th March 2010 as it’s the last days and the kumbh is very heavily booked at this time. Late confirmations may result in increase tariffs.

After completing 3 days with Mother Laskhmi and her wealth and prosperity, the eneries begin to rise.   She is the embodiment of light wisdom, grace beauty and charm, along with generosity and courage.

For most people the purification process takes the form of greed,  jealousy and fear, the latter of the qualities ( generosity & courage)as these are the most commonly inherent in the human psyche these days.  Funnily enough i had the rare opportunity to experience the culmination of her 3 days through her other qualities of light, grace and beauty.  Of course a puification usually manifests in the negative aspects of this, and therefore i was blessed with the rather ungraceful act of slipping at dadar station steps landing rather heavily onto my tail bone!  For me this incident carried many lessons to slow down and take care, but as the Mother knows best, it happeneed on Lakshmi’s final day, just a reminder that she’s watching!

With her departure we enter the final 3 days with Saraswati, the beautiful Godess dressed in white, and carrying the Vina ( musical instrument) and Vedas (Holy Books) and is considered the Godess of wisdom, creativity and the arts.  So brace yourself to break through the ego, intellect and rational mind and shine in the light of your creative potentails..

Navaratri is the nine nights of festivity and worship.  It is the perfect blend of fun, dance and worship all in the honour of the Mother Goddess and her many forms.

My favorite part of Navaratri is watching the atmosphere of the city and its people transform as the different aspects of Devi pass through, purifying and intoxicating all in her path. During these nine nights become aware of the presence of the Goddess and try to attune your self to her subtle forces at play.

The first 3 nights, begining tonight, witness the arrival of  Durga, the fierce warrior, the shakti force mounted on her tiger carrying weapons to slay.  Durga manifests fearlessness and patience, and never loses her sense of humor even in the most fierce of battles.  It is a time of purification and during the first three days this purification takes the form of anger, impatience, short tempers and petty fights which seem to manifest in abundance all around us as Durga purges us off these impurities.  Be aware of the forces working within you and those around you-  it is a truly magical sight to behold.

And then just a quickly as she came, Durga Maa leaves only to be replaced by her other forms of Lakshmi and Saraswati over the continuing days.

Enjoy the festivities and blessings over the next nine days as we watch the divine forces of the Goddess  unfold!

Hari Om Tat Sat