Guruji, Swami Satyananda has always told us that the qualities of Devi, the Mother Goddess can be seen here on earth in the form of Mother.  Only a mother has ability to create, the quality of unconditional love, the ability to sacrifice.

Here is an excerpt from a discussion between Narada, the celestial sage, and Narayana, Lord Vishnu, about the divine attributes of Devi, the Mother of the world, as described in the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam (Book IX).

The great Devi, the highest Prakriti, Who is this Prakriti? Why did She manifest Herself?

The word prakriti is comprised of two parts: the prefix pra denotes ‘intensity’, ‘excellence’, and the root kriti means ‘action’, ‘creation’. So the Goddess, the Devi, is most excellent in the work of creation.  Her 3 forms are:

Durga: This eternal, all auspicious Devi, when pleased, destroys all the sorrow, pain and troubles of those who take refuge in her. She bestows all the auspicious things upon them, including dharma, name and fame, bliss, happiness and even moksha, final liberation.

Lakshmi: The second shakti, is of the nature of pure and is a complete master of the senses, and is free from greed, lust, delusion, anger, vanity and egoism.  Her speech is very sweet and she is always in service of those dear to her. She is the beauty that is seen in all living beings and things; the glory and fame of those who have done good works, and the power and valour of great kings

Saraswati: The third shakti presides over knowledge, speech, intelligence and learning.  She is memory, wit, light, splendour and creative genius. She is the e light of understanding that gives real meaning difficult passages so that we can understand them and removes all confusion and doubt.

Durga Maa

Saraswati Maa

Lakshmi Maa

Balance Yoga Team wishes all you beautiful and divine Devi Maa’s out there a very Happy Mothers Day